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  • SSI Assistant Instructor course

    Assistant Instructor Course

    El Curso de buceo con atribuciones más allá del Divemaster

    Este programa puede ser o bien como paso previo antes de convertirte en Instructor SSI o bien para convertirte en un perfecto asistente de los cursos que realice un instructor.
    Al conseguir la certificación de Asistente apoyarás a los Instructores en la formación pero tendrás más independencia para poder enseñar tú también a los alumnos en algunas partes del programa Open Water Diver.
    Trabajarás desde el principio para promover la formación de alta calidad, las prácticas de buceo seguro y los beneficios de la educación continuada

    ¿Quién puede realizar este curso?

    Los cursos SSI Assistant Instructor son perfectos para aquellos buceadores Divemasters (SSI y también los equivalentes PADI, ACUC, CMAS 3*, etc.) que quieran seguir avanzando en su formación y tener un nivel más como profesionales del buceo SSI.
    Los requisitos para acceder a este curso son:
    – Edad mínima: 18 años.
    – Un mínimo de 60 inmersiones en aguas abiertas registradas con un total de 40 horas o más.
    – Tener la certificación de Divemaster con Status activo de SSI o una equivalente.
    – Deberás traer un certificado médico de aptitud al buceo de menos de 1 año
    – Seguro de accidentes de buceo en vigor (de la misma manera, si no disponéis de uno lo podéis contratar uno directamente en Xaloc, coste: 40 € para el seguro anual o uno diario a 6 €/día)

  • SSI Divemaster course

    Crossover to SSI Divemaster

    The World’s Most Popular Professional Level Diving Certification

    Crossover to Divemaster SSI and do what you love as a professional career . Divers look to divemasters because they are leaders who advise and motivate others. As an SSI divemaster, you will not only dive a lot , but you will also experience the pleasure of watching other divers have as much fun as you.

    Xaloc Diving Center is a great place to do your crossover to Divemaster. Our experienced SSI Instructors teach all levels of SSI courses in small groups , ensuring that everyone receives quality training with maximum safety and fun .

    Who can take this course?

    SSI Divemaster crossovers are perfect for those Divemaster divers (PADI, ACUC, CMAS 3 *, etc.) who want to become SSI diving professionals
    The requirements to access this course are:
    – Have the aforementioned certification
    – Have completed the Diving Science specialty
    – Have a First Aid certification or diploma in the last 2 years (React Right preferably)
    – Medical certificate of less than 1 year (if you do not have one, you can do it directly here in L’Estartit, now that there are medical centers with specialists in underwater medicine)
    – Diving accident insurance in force (in the same way, if you do not have one you can hire one directly in Xaloc, cost: € 40 for annual insurance or a daily insurance at € 6 / day)

  • Professional Dive Guide Course

    The Most Popular Professional Level Diving Course in the World

    Do you like diving? Would you like to guide certified divers on their recreational dives? Take the SSI Diving Guide course and do what you like as a diving professional. Divers look to dive guides because they motivate others. As a Dive Guide you will not only dive a lot, but you will also experience the pleasure of watching other divers have as much fun as you.
    Xaloc Diving Center is a magnificent place to do your course. Our experienced SSI Instructors will teach you with  quality training and with maximum safety and fun .

    Who can take this course?

    The SSI Diving Guide courses are perfect for those Advanced or Master divers (and also the PADI, ACUC, CMAS 3 * equivalents, etc.) who want to continue advancing in their training and have a very high level of diving but are not diving professionals. diving SSI.
    The requirements to access this course are:
    – Have the following certifications: Stress and Rescue Diver + Deep Diving + Orientation + Night Diving
    – Be at least 18 years old
    – Logbook with a minimum of 40 registered dives (attention: to be able to certify as SSI Diving Guide you must have a minimum of 50 registered dives)
    – You must bring a medical certificate of aptitude for diving less than 1 year
    – Diving accident insurance in force (in the same way, if you do not have one you can hire one directly in Xaloc, cost: € 40 for annual insurance or a daily insurance at € 6 / day)

  • SSI Divemaster course

    SSI Divemaster course

    The Most Popular Professional Level Diving Course in the World

    Do you like diving? Do you want to share it with others on a whole new level? Take the SSI Divemaster course and do what you love as a professional career . Divers look to divemasters because they are leaders who advise and motivate others. As a divemaster, you will not only dive a lot , but you will also experience the pleasure of watching other divers have as much fun as you.

    Xaloc Diving Center is a great place to do your Divemaster course. Our experienced SSI Instructors teach all levels of SSI courses in small groups , ensuring that everyone receives quality training with maximum safety and fun .

    Who can take this course?

    The SSI Divemaster courses (Professional Dive Guide + Diving Science) are perfect for those divers Stress and Rescue or equivalent (PADI, ACUC, CMAS 3 *, etc.) who want to continue advancing in their training and become SSI Diving professionals
    . Requirements to access this course are:
    – Have the aforementioned certification
    – Have a First Aid certification or diploma in the last 2 years (React Right preferably)
    – Logbook with a minimum of 60 logged dives
    – Be at least 18 years old
    – Medical certificate of less than 1 year (if you do not have one, you can do it directly here in L’Estartit, since there are medical centers with specialists in underwater medicine)
    – Diving accident insurance in force (in the same way, if you do not have one you can hire one directly in Xaloc, cost: € 40 for annual insurance or a daily insurance at € 6 / day)
